Sanga Vet. Chem. LtdSanga Vet. Chem. LtdSanga Vet. Chem. Ltd

Sangatraz 125® 100ml, 500ml, 1 L, 2L, 5L

Sangatraz 125® 100ml, 500ml, 1 L, 2L, 5L

Sangatraz 125 controls all stages of ticks and strains of ticks resistant to arsenic, organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates and synthetic pyrethriods and is not subject to cross-resistance from other acaricides. This ectoparasiticide rapidly controls mange mites and lice on cattle, small ruminants, pigs, and dogs.

Effective against

Ticks including organophosphate resistant strains
Mange mites


  • Plot 1144, Kampala Industrial Business Park, Namanve, Mukono district Uganda
  • +256 200 800 010


Download our product brochure here to get more information on application. 

For use on

Cattle, Small ruminants, Pigs, Dogs.

Active ingredient

Amitraz 12.5% m/v

Pack size

100ml, 500ml, 1 L, 2L, 5L

Direction of use

Application Type: Plunge Dip, Hand spray or Spray Race

Plunge Dipping

Should be applied with stabilizer

Each Sangatraz 125 1L added requires a 5-kg lime bag to be sprinkled onto the surface dip wash at the end of each dipping.

Filling Rate (initial fill):

  • 1L Sangatraz 125 per 500 litres of water in the tank.
  • Open all the 1L containers and empty into a bucket.
  • Pre-cream with an equal volume of water before mixing with bulk water in the tank.
  • Pour into the dip tank from end to end.
  • Dip at least 25 heads to agitate.
  • Mix the wash and return these to the collecting pen for re-dipping.
  • This procedure should be performed at the start of each day’s dipping in a full-strength wash.


There are 2 methods:


  1. Head Count System (HCS) of Replenishment
  • 1L Sangatraz 125 is added for every 125 head dipped.
  • Replenishment should take place at the end of the dipping or after 500 cattle dipped – whichever comes first.
  • The required volume of concentrate is pre-creamed and added to the dip wash, and the stabilizer sprinkled onto the surface of the dip wash.
  • Top up the tank to the full mark with water immediately prior to the next dipping.
  • This method is strongly recommended as it maintains the dip wash at the correct concentrate and therefore dip wash analysis is seldom required.


  1. Conventional Method of Replenishment
  • 1L of Sangatraz 125 is to be added for every 250 litres of water added to the dip tank.
  • Mix as described under Filling Rate.
  • At the end of the day’s dipping sprinkle all the packs of stabilizer from the open packs onto the dip wash surface.
  • Do not agitate.

Hand spraying (Ruminants & Pigs)

Dilution Rate:  1:500

16L Knapsack: Mix 16L of water with 32ml of Sangatraz 125

Spray Race

Initial filling rate: 1: 500

  • Fill spray race sump with required volume of water
  • Pre-cream concentrate with an equal volume of water before mixing with bulk water in the sump.
  • Always prepare fresh wash for each day’s spraying.

Boost rate:

  • Add 250ml of Sangatraz 125 for every 100 head through the spray race.
  • Under heavy tick challenge clip hair from ears and tail brushes to assist wetting. 

Withdrawal period

Meat:  1 day

Milk:    None


DO NOT use on horses – may cause severe colic

Toxic to fish – do not contaminate waterways.

Keep out of reach of children.

Wear protective clothing